Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Key concepts in the advanced curriculum

    • Zoom link details

    • Lesson 1a Key Concepts

    • Less 1b Key Concepts


    • EBIC Advanced Checklist - corrected 04 September 2021

  • 2

    Week 1 Past event remembering and recall

    • Week 1 Slides Remembering and Recalling

    • Live class 1 slides

    • 1a Memory in Behaviour Analysis

    • 1b Memory in Behaviour Analysis

    • 1c Curricular sequence and programming for remembering

    • Week 1 CEU Keywords

    • Articles

  • 3

    Week 2 Being socially present

    • Articles

    • Week 2 Being socially present slides

    • Live class slides week 2

    • 2a Being socially present video

    • 2b Rule governed social interventions video

    • 2c Conversation

    • Week 2 CEU Keywords

  • 4

    Week 3 Private events

    • 3a Private Events video

    • 3b Private Events video

    • 3c Teaching VB of private events video

    • 3d Advanced VB of private events (short video)

    • Keyword CEU Quiz

    • Week 3 Private Events Slides

    • PrivateEventsinBehaviorAnalysisAndersonetal1997

    • OPERANTS_Q2_2020

    • OnBehaviorismandPrivateEvents

    • Private emotions as contingency descriptors emotions emotional behavior and their evolution

  • 5

    Complex cognition: Theory of Mind and Executive Functioning

    • Video 4a Theory of Mind Introduction

    • Video 4b Behavioural accounts of ToM

    • Video 4c VB Analysis of ToM

    • Video 4d Executive Functioning and conclusions

    • Week 4 Keyword CEU Quiz

    • Week 4 Complex Cognition Slides

    • Chapter 23 on Theory of Mind


    • 2004 McHugh P-T developmental profile Research paper

    • Spradlin & Brady 2008 BA perspective ToM

    • 2009 schlinger - theory of mind overview

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    Procedural videos

    • before and after procedures

    • Theory of Mind procedures