Course curriculum
Instructions, overview and zoom link
Zoom Link
1c Module 2 Intermediate overview
Preparatory materials
1a Video Intro Curriculum Development
1b Video EBIC framework
Evaluation of EBIC (Chapter 5 FdE PhD thesis)
Curriculum development slides
EBIC Intermediate Checklist and Map
Reading materials
Week 1 Multiple Verbal Control and the Listener
Reading materials
1d Introduction to multiple control
1e Programming organisation
1f Joint Control final
1g Listener Objectives
Week 2 Module 2 Multiple control and listener final
Week 1 Module 2 CEU Quiz
Week 2: Multiply controlled tacting: generalised question discrimination
Reading materials
Intraverbal tact assessment ENG 2
M2 W2 live slides
2a Verbal control in the tact relation
2b Question discrimination procedures
2c Teaching new concepts part 1
2d teaching new concepts part 2
Week 2 Mod2 intraverbal tacting slides
Week 2 CEU Quiz
Week 3: Emergent Intraverbal
3a Intraverbal
3b functions and emergent intraverbal
3c events and what vs with
Week 3 M2 Emergent Intraverbal slides
Week 3 CEU Quiz
WK 3 Live class Intraverbal control
Week 4: Divergent Control
4a Divergent control listing
4b Autoclitic frames
4c descriptions
Week 4 Divergent control final
Week 4 CEU quiz