Course curriculum

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    • Instructions for first class and Zoom link

    • EBIC Beginner Checklist

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    Week1 Functional Analysis of Curriculum Development

    • Chapter 4. Development of the Early Behavioural Intervention Curriculum

    • Chapter 5 FdE thesis

    • Week 1 Module 1 curriculum development slides

    • 1a Video Intro Curriculum Dev UK

    • 1b Video EBIC framework

    • Week 1 CEU Quiz

    • Bonus video: a behavioural definition of engagement and assent

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    Week 2 Early Social Responding

    • Data sheets and articles

    • Video 2a Early Social Responding

    • Video 2b Behavioural Accounts

    • Video 2c Interventions

    • Week 2 CEU quiz

    • Week 2 Early social responses slides

    • Week 2 Live class slides

    • Early social chain activities and objectives list

    • Object chain up and down demo

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    Week 3 Object Interactions

    • Week 3 Object interaction Live class slides

    • Week 3 Objects interactions slides

    • Video 3a Object Interactions Matching

    • Video 3b Play and Imitation

    • Week 3 CEU Quiz

    • Holth imitation and MTS paper

    • Palmer, Parity

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    Week 4: Listener behaviour and overcoming discrimination issues

    • Articles

    • Week 4 Listener slides

    • Video 4a Listener Intro

    • 4b First listener objectives

    • 4c Alternative listener procedures

    • Week 4 Keyword CEU Quiz

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    Week 5: Speaker behaviour and the emergence of naming

    • Articles

    • PhD Thesis FdE chapters 6 e 7 vocal and signed naming

    • Week 5 Speaker behaviour Slides

    • Video 5a Social function of mands

    • Video 5b Tacting and naming

    • CEU keyword Quiz